Peer-reviewed/Revisadas por pares
[5] Global Value Chains as a Constraint on Sovereignty: Evidence from Investor-State Dispute Settlement, with/com Calvin Thrall and Rachel Wellhausen, International Studies Quarterly, 67(1), 2023.
[Replication data and script/Dados e script para replicação] - [Supplementary materials/Materiais suplementários]
[4] Detecting True Relationships in Time Series Data with Different Orders of Integration, with/com Peter Enns and Christopher Wlezien, Political Science Research and Methods, 10(4): 857-869, 2022.
[Replication data and script/Dados e script para replicação] - [Supplementary materials/Materiais suplementários]
[3] Political Risk and International Investment Law, with/com Rachel Wellhausen, Annual Review of Political Science, 25(1): 485-507, 2022.
[Extended bibliography/Bibliografia estendida]
[2] Businessmen Support Amidst the Turmoil: the Second Year of Bolsonaro's Presidency in Brazil, Revista de Ciencia Politica, 41(2): 239-262, 2021.
[Replication script/Script para replicação]
[1] The Chilling Effect of International Investment Disputes: Limited Challenges to State Sovereignty, International Studies Quarterly, 64 (1): 1-12, 2020.
[Replication data and script/Dados e script para replicação] - [Supplementary qualitative data/Dados qualitativos suplementários]
Working papers/Em andamento
Beyond Jobs: The Effects of Corporate Social Irresponsibility on Individual Attitudes toward Foreign Direct Investment, with/com Guilherme Fasolin and/e Matias Spektor (R&R/Revisar e Resubmeter, International Studies Quarterly)
Local Politics, Global Capital: The Effects of Political Alignment and Foreign Direct Investment Attraction, with/com Ariana Ribeiro Costa and/e Iasmin Goes - project funded by CNPq/projeto financiado pelo CNPq (Under review/Em revisão por pares)
Drivers of Negative Perceptions of Chinese FDI: Experimental Evidence from Brazil, with/com Matias Spektor and/e Guilherme Fasolin
Modelagem de Tópicos Estruturais em Ciência Política e Relações Internacionais, with/com Paula Corradi Rabello and/e Rodrigo Cezar
Global Regulatory Agreements and Corporations: Does Innovation Facilitate Cooperation?
New projects/Novos projetos
Political Positions of Business Interest Groups in Trade Agreements: Quantitative Text Analysis and New Trade Theories applied to the United States, associated researcher in project funded by FAPESP and led by Rodrigo Cezar/pesquisadora associada em projeto financiado pela FAPESP e liderado por Rodrigo Cezar
Brazilian Firms' Preferences over Trade Agreements, with/com Rodrigo Cezar.
*Please feel free to email me and ask for ungated versions of published articles and drafts of working papers.
*Sinta-se à vontade para enviar um email e solicitar versões sem paywall de artigos publicados e rascunhos de trabalhos em andamento.